Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I am not in the least bit surprised to see that the liberal left has launched an all out attack on Christmas on so many fronts. What does surprise me is the length to which these unprincipled myopic purveyors of lies are willing to go to extend their sphere of influence. I don’t know what infuriates me more: The complete lack of intestinal fortitude by Washington’s Governor Gregoire in allowing atheists to post their hateful sign next to a display of the Nativity? Or possibly another dispirited, gutless sham perpetrated against our children at this most precious time of the year by politically correct wankers is the publishing of such books as “Santa Goes Green” and “When Santa Turned Green”. Christmas is a time of joy and wonderment for children and they should be allowed to revel in the spirit of the season. Taking advantage of this sacred season is inexcusable and shows how absolutely unprincipled these vacuous malcontents really are. Here are just a few comments from the deranged, nonsensical green leftists about these books:

"When Santa Turned Green," by Victoria Perla, says that global warming is causing the North Pole itself to melt, potentially leaving Santa homeless.

"Melting ice caps, global warming, surfing reindeer! The North Pole is going green this year and everyone is excited – everyone, that is, except Santa who likes things just the way they are," publisher Hal Leonard's product description says.

While Santa finds going green "inconvenient," the reindeer and Mrs. Claus sing to change his ways.

Song titles include: "Recycle the Fruitcake," "The Greenhouse Effect" and "Turn Off the Pump (And Plug in the Sleigh.)"

“You see, it’s like this Santa,” Finn tells Santa in the book. “I’ve adopted a polar bear named Leopold. He is in danger of losing his home. I’m sure you being in the North Pole you know about the melting glaciers. All I want this year Santa, is to save Leopold and his home.” Santa is so inspired by his visit to the polar bear that he decides to re-use last year's wrapping paper, recycle toys and start using wind to generate power for his toy shop. The book ends with a note from Santa urging kids to send him notes on how to take care of the planet.

I am not here to debate global warming (yet). I will however say this: It is a hoax and no amount of junk science can make it so. The earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old and “accurate” accounts of weather activity are a mere speck on the pages of history. Recorded temperatures date back only 100 years. Yet the global warming community, with their special sense of self importance and predisposition for symbolism over substance has taken it upon themselves to sound the GW alarm. This is sophistry of the highest order. Not only will this false salvation bankrupt the planet and decimate the free market in the process, it will have absolutely no effect on the climate whatsoever. The facts speak for themselves. Global warming god, Al Gore, REFUSES to debate the issue with anyone. Check it out folks, all he does is pontificate about the dangers of GW but refuses to debate the issue in an open forum. It is complete junk science from the fecal clouded mind of disingenuous fringe leftists.

Although I digress momentarily, let me get to the point. I have always found Christmas to be the most special of holidays. It was so in my childhood and remains so for me now. As I get older I find myself becoming so much more aware of my own spirituality in relationship to Christmas. As a child I was more connected with the Santa Claus side of Christmas. Although I have always been conscious of the true meaning of Christmas, it is only within the last decade that I have found the spirituality that truly is Christmas. To rejoice in the fact I have accepted Jesus Christ as my true savior is a wonderful thing. To celebrate his birth on this day is what makes this holiday so very special. I realize that not everyone feels this way and that is absolutely acceptable. But to turn this time of year into a forum expressly aimed at brainwashing our children is reprehensible.

This is America and we as Americans are not expected to embrace any and all ideologies. But when a group of people, specifically the secular progressives, vigorously promote the idea that they find it offensive when I or anyone else celebrates Christmas, is an abomination. Clerks in almost every retail establishment are now discouraged from saying Merry Christmas. Businesses of all types and sizes are afraid to send out Christmas cards and invariably substitute Happy Holiday cards instead. A small percentage of the American people has lost their moral compass and in turn has been given carte blanche by the liberal politicians to in essence, “spread the word”. In other words, to create and support a politically correct agenda that no longer recognizes Christmas. Face it, if you do not adhere to politically correct dogma you are looked upon as something less than a good person by supporters of the far left. This wonderful celebration that we call Christmas is rapidly becoming extinct in all forms. Thought, word and deed.

This movement frightens me because it has taken on a life of its own. It has gotten to the point where people are afraid to speak up for fear of being socially castrated and categorized with such names as racist, bigot, homophobe, Christian or less flattering labels. It is inherent to the welfare of our society and the preservation of the ideals that made this country great to speak out against such injustices. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” (Edmund Burke).

I want to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone a very Merry Christmas and I hope that each of you reach out and seek God’s love at this special time of year. It is really quite easy and only requires that you accept Jesus Christ as your savior. God gave us his only son to die on the cross so that we may have eternal life. I look forward to celebrating an eternity of Christmases with all of you. God bless.


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......

Slacker said...

Hey....I like your hot rod!