Thursday, December 18, 2008

I am so distraught that the country I love is languishing in a cesspool created and controlled by greedy politicians who are ethically and morally devoid of character. The supporting cast in this horror show is a corrupt corporate juggernaut that never met a dollar they didn’t worship. We rely on our representatives to be our eyes and ears in Washington and the majority of these secular progressives, both Democrats and Republicans alike have turned their backs on their constituency and aligned themselves with an ideology that is neither fair nor balanced.

Our politicians have become so myopic and devoid of character that the needs and wants of the people have been left behind. Look no further than those responsible who navigated the ship of state onto the shoals of bankruptcy. The F & F (Freddie and Fannie) debacle was basically overseen by Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. This in itself is a mega blunder, but to put these two shameful and morally corrupt dunderheads in charge of the bailout is unforgivable. I realize that there are many more people involved in this debacle than just these two. There is plenty of blame to go around for both sides and a multitude of prior administrations but the fact remains that these arrogant, egomaniacal thugs have no moral compass and are completely devoid of a conscience. They have shown this time and time again, yet there they sit, judge and jury with the authority to do as they see fit with our tax dollars.

When the chips were down and the financial future of America was at stake, our government chose the well traveled road of appeasement and acquiescence. They passed a 700 billion dollar bailout to rescue the very companies that hijacked our financial prosperity. To add insult to injury these low life keepers of democracy attached a 150 billion dollars in “PORK” to the bill. We ask; when will these people ever learn? Wake up America because they have learned. The fact is they have learned that they can legislate without repercussions and make self serving decisions with no personal political down side. I see no end to this disgusting behavior and it is now absolutely apparent that we have lost total control of our government from the local level up to and including the federal level. We have created a monster from which there is no rescue. Too many Americans are busy trying to provide the basic necessities for their families and do not see what has happened to their country. The politicians continue to spend in perpetuity as they mortge our future and our children’s future.

Regardless of our financial problems the politicians continue to find new ways of taxing us into poverty. Look no further than New York’s Governor David Paterson who has just released his list of 150 new taxes/fees that he wants to impose on New Yorkers. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is also proposing the same back breaking tax and fee structure. These heartless, brain dead demigods continue to spend more than they have and as a matter of routine expect us to pick up the bill. It has been so for many years and continues to be the norm. They are so firmly ensconced I see no way of getting rid of them. It may take another revolution and that is a sad legacy indeed. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

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