Sunday, September 5, 2010


It is just amazing to watch this gutless, aimless administration carry on day after day with complete disregard for the welfare of its constituency. To turn a deaf ear to the wants and needs of the American people is unconscionable beyond any comprehension. Our country is in complete financial tatters and this gutless ideologue we call a President continues to leverage the futures of our grandchildren. He treats Iran like an errant child while at the same time throwing one of our most trusted allies, Israel, under the proverbial bus. Due to this cowards complete ineptitude, Iran now has a nuclear capability that threatens to destabilize the entire Middle East even more so than it already is. Is there any doubt that Iran has every intention of turning these weapons against Israel and eventually America? Iran is in bed with Pakistan, radical Shiite’s in Iraq, Russia, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon. The Iranian’s are supporting Hamas, Hezbollah and any number of radical Jihadist factions around the world. They have even been tied to militant Muslims in the Philippines. Due to the fractured frame work of American foreign policy perpetrated by this progressive psycho, the entire world is threatened.

I am old enough to remember the “greatest generation” that was so gallantly heralded by Tom Brokaw. There was a day not too long ago that we as Americans would never have stood for such incompetence from our leaders. I ask the question; “whatever happened to America?” Hundreds of thousands of courageous men and women from all walks of life made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may live in the finest, most prosperous country in the world. Yet, this spineless, myopic Muslim sympathizer has disrespected each and every one of them through his ignorance, conceit and ineptitude. It should be blatantly apparent to even the most casual observer that this mans loyalties lie not with America but with those who feel we owe the world an apology for our success. We are the most giving nation in the world yet this drone feels that we have not given enough. He continues to throw America’s best and brightest young people into the hell fires of war in Iraq and Afghanistan without so much as a scintilla of concern. He is sacrificing these people and their families on the altar of political expediency.

Our country is in trouble. We are facing an internally generated holocaust that will surely consume our liberties, our way of life and our future if we do not act immediately. Without a concerted effort by the American people, our country will unravel leaving only the barest fabric of government to make our decisions for us. The upcoming election is the most critical in our countries history. Squander the opportunity and pay the price. We must divest ourselves of our party loyalty and affiliations. There is no place in this election for the “what is best for the party” voters. We MUST vote for what is best for America and put our country back on track. If we miss this chance to right the ship, this political juggernaut will consume us all.

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