Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Barack Obama has now been in office for 43 days. It is unimaginable the damage he has done to this once great economy. One can only speculate what the next 1,417 days will bring. He spent nearly as much money with one stroke of his pen in five minutes than George Bush spent in eight years. However, this factoid pales in comparison to what is to come. The democratic brain trust of Pelosi, Reid, Schumer and the rest of their intellectual flat liner associates are already in the "giveaway kitchen" cooking up the “next” stimulus package. They have every intention of bailing out their cronies in the print media, among others, before this is over.

It stuns me that such a large percentage of the American public is so blind to the obvious machinations of this administration. How can so many people be so ignorant of the democratic processes that they believe this is the back lash from the prior administration. The democrats have had control of the House and the Senate for the past two years. It is the democratic fiscal policies we are paying for right now. The hallowed Obama has already reneged on his campaign promises to “cut the pork” and do away with earmarks. The bail out bill was loaded with so many congressional and senatorial earmarks that it would make Tip O’Neil spin in his grave. This is the first time in fifteen years that democrats have had a sitting president and control of both houses. Their agenda is not about US, it’s about them! They are going to take full advantage of this situation to broaden their power base at the expense of the American taxpayer.

Where are we going to get the money to pay for all of these grandiose economic schemes? We don’t have the money to fund this insanity so we are borrowing it from the world. How do you think we are going to be able to meet the payments on the interest, much less the principle? I will tell you how. TAXES! Yes, that’s right; your hard earned tax dollars are funding the insanity. These ruthless, two faced, unprincipled bastards have hi-jacked your grandchildren’s future. King Obama’s budget for fiscal year 2010 is $3.5 trillion. Under his 2010 energy plan, Obama wants to reduce the emissions blamed for global warming by auctioning off carbon pollution permits. The proposal, known as cap and trade, is projected to raise $646 billion over 10 years. What they fail to tell anyone is that it will bankrupt small business in the process and drive the cost of energy through the roof. But who cares? It will raise $646 billion dollars for the king’s coffers. This massive hidden energy tax is going to work its way through every aspect of American life.

This is the largest fraud in history ever perpetrated on America, by Americans. When those Americans suffering from “rectal cranial inversion” wake up, it will be too late. Why is it so hard to understand that a group of elected officials who have very little or NO business expertise should be entrusted with running the largest economy in the world? Even the most myopic cerebral dunderhead knows what happens when the government administers anything. It rapidly becomes a self perpetuating monster that feeds on its own inefficiency and bloat. President Calvin Coolidge once said; “the business of America is business”. Let the capitalists run the economy and keep the government intervention to a minimum. Capitalism is nothing more than the survival of the fittest in the economic arena. If you are not strong, lean and flexible you will be consumed by your competition. Why are people so concerned about “golden parachutes”, multi million dollar bonuses, corporate jets and the like? As long as the company is making money and profits are up, what’s the problem? I will tell you what the problem is, it is this “class envy” epidemic that has been propagated by the liberal left. They want you to think that these people do not deserve these perks, that their excesses are not “fair”, that they are out of touch and that they really haven’t earned that lifestyle. At the same time they (the politicians) are gorging themselves on corporate hand outs and a veritable smorgasboard of public and private pork. These political pigs are the epitomy of symbolism over substance. The adage of do as I do, not as I say is their mantra! Now this is where the rubber meets the road. Economics 101 teaches us that for capitalism to work it must be a self supporting ideal and free from excessive government intervention. Barack Obama stuffs billions in the pockets of the most unstable financial entities under the guise of “saving America”. To quote another American President, Lyndon Johnson; “that dog won’t hunt”. If these companies were left to their own devices they would either sink or swim. Regardless, when all was said and done we would have a much stronger, viable and robust economy. The problem as his highness see’s it is that some people would be hurt. I hate to be so bourgeois but you can’t make an omelet without breaking an egg and you can’t make wine without crushing some grapes. Here in lies the problem. Too many Americans have become soft, self centered and selfish. We “want” everything now and we don’t want any pain associated with the gain. We really don’t want to work for anything, we just want it. Guess what people, you have the perfect President in place to make that happen, but rest assured that you will rue the day when the bill comes due. This great nation was built on blood, sweat, determination and sacrifice. The principles that have made us great are rapidly dissipating and are being replaced by incompetence, sloth, inefficiency and an unprecedented moral bankruptcy. Get off your asses and save this country. Step up, speak out and throw these lazy, spineless bastards out of office before it’s too late. It’s up to you.

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