Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Novelist Jeffrey Archer in his work The Fourth Estate made the observation: "In May 1789, Louis XVI summoned to Versailles a full meeting of the Estates General. The First Estate consisted of three hundred clergy. The Second Estate, three hundred nobles. The Third Estate, six hundred commoners. Some years later, after the French Revolution, Edmund Burke, looking up at the Press Gallery of the House of Commons, said, “Yonder sits the Fourth Estate, and they are more important than them all.”

This statement by Edmund Burke rings truer today than at any point in the history of this great nation. The news media (The Fourth Estate) has taken it upon them selves to be the judge, jury and executioner where the dissemination of news is concerned. They decide what to print and when to print it but the alarming fact is that they decide what and how to say it. In essence, they no longer print or broadcast the news, they make the news. Tabloids like the Enquirer pale in comparison to the New York Times or the San Francisco Chronicle, just to name a few. These papers are so blatantly biased in their reporting that if one didn’t know better (and many don’t) you would think that liberalism and left wing fringe politics was the only safe haven for the common man. Their pages wreak of rancid political propaganda that defies logic. Their blatant bias was never more obvious than during the presidential election. Barack Obama made some spectacular blunders and misspeaks on the campaign trail but these were never reported by the media. However, all John McCain had to do was open his mouth and they were all over him like a cheap suit. Never mind John McCain, what about Sarah Palin? I don’t believe that I have ever seen anyone so viciously attacked by the media. Not only did they attack her politically, they attacked her personally and pummeled her family as well. The redundant media mantra was her lack of inexperience. Even though she had extensive experience in government from the local (school board/mayor) to the state level (sitting Governor) she was consistently dismissed for her “lack of experience”. The media showed complete disregard for her leadership and involvement in several major energy committees that regulated West Slope oil revenue disposition. They conveniently forgot about her integrity in taking dishonest members of her own Republican party to task for malfeasance. The fascist fringe bloggers went so far as to insinuate that somehow there was an incestuous relationship between Bristol Palin and her father. Absolutely disgusting.

Now that Hilary Clinton has become the “not yet confirmed” Secretary of State Appointee in the Obama White House there is a vacant senate seat in New York and lo and behold who is the front runner? Why it’s non other than Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, a New York socialite and the daughter of John F. Kennedy. She has absolutely no experience and is totally unqualified to fill this seat however she is lauded as the second coming of Camelot by the liberal media and her qualifications, or the lack thereof, are absolutely ignored by the media. The New York Times has already started a full court press to see to it that Governor David Paterson appoints her to this powerful position. Unfortunately, the primary focus of most politicians once they are elected is to get reelected; hence Governor Paterson will undoubtedly appoint Mrs. Schlossberg to the seat. I do not question her character or her integrity as I am sure she is a fine person. Regardless, she is no more qualified to be a sitting senator than I am. What I want to know is; where is the parody? Sarah Palin was so much more qualified to be the Vice President than Mrs. Schlossberg is qualified to be a senator that there is absolutely no comparison, NONE! Yet Sarah Palin is shredded by the media and Mrs. Schlossberg is elevated to icon status overnight by the same group of attack dogs.

The point of this post is that the liberal left is being propped up on a continuous basis by the self serving media. The left makes themselves out to be the pathetic victims of society when in actuality they are the ones victimizing their own constituency. There is no balanced reporting and there is no objective news coverage because 95% of the media is literally and figuratively in bed with the left. We have become a nation torn asunder by arrogant politicians and self serving media hype. We are the greatest country in the world and we need to take our country back from those who are attempting to steal it away from us. Please stand up and be counted. Don’t allow the “Prostitutes of the Fourth Estate” to take away your sense of self worth and well being. Let not the sacrifices of our forefathers be in vain. We respect the past, we are the present and we look to the future. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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